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Mum And Me is one of the great partner stores on CharityBuy. This means that every time you shop online with Mum And Me, you can fundraise for your charity at the same time!

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Mum And Me Description

Mum and Me is your essential store for mums and bubs. Everything you need to get you though a fit and healthy pregnancy, including prenatal fitness programs, such as Preggi Bellies, Pre-natal Yoga and Fitmum. Start your pregnancy planning with their essential checklists, including the best seller – BellyBelt, Nappy Bags. They stock breastfeeding wear, including the popular GlamourMom range and the BellyBra – clinically proven to reduce back pain associated with pregnancy. And there are essentials for baby too: must-haves such as Bonds Wondersuits, sleeping wraps and the most beautiful baby wardrobe from speesees – 100% organic cotton. And don’t forget every baby needs a Baby Bjorn carrier! They’ve done all the research for you and selected the best products only – so you can sit back and enjoy your special time. Mum and Me is for mums by mums! Why shop anywhere else when all your essentials are at And if you’re looking for the perfect baby shower gift – check out their gift guide for the perfect gift, every time!