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Leona Edmiston

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Leona Edmiston is one of the great partner stores on CharityBuy. This means that every time you shop online with Leona Edmiston, you can fundraise for your charity at the same time!

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Leona Edmiston Description

One of Australia’s leading fashion designers, Leona Edmiston is a tribute to the dress in all its incarnations - elegant, versatile and ageless. Celebrating the confident, urban woman, Leona Edmiston frocks exude classic femininity, effortless style and sexy sophistication by using a variety of fabrics from her signature sleek jersey to luxurious silks and crisp cottons that compliment the flattering cuts she designs.

From evening wear and jewellery to the latest frocks, it’s now easy to shop online and you’ll always find your favourite dresses, lingerie, handbags and accessories at Leona Edmiston.

Buy Leona Edmiston dresses and accessories at Westfield online.