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Lemon Myrtle

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Lemon Myrtle is not currently actively affiliated with CharityBuy. This page is retained to prevent breaking links to it. You may click links and try to go shopping from this page, but you may not be redirected to the online store and you should not expect a donation to your charity.

Lemon Myrtle is one of the great partner stores on CharityBuy. This means that every time you shop online with Lemon Myrtle, you can fundraise for your charity at the same time!

  • With every purchase, 6% will be contributed to your charity
  • You get the best pricing and deals Lemon Myrtle is offering on their website
  • Together we can make a big difference!

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Lemon Myrtle Description is the largest online store in Australia specialising in products made from the native rainforest plant, Lemon Myrtle. Products have a wonderfully fresh lemon aroma which lasts and lasts. From handmade soaps, essential oils, bath and shower products, hand and body products, therapeutics, an organic range, pet care and even household items, there is an extensive range of Lemon Myrtle products. The site features detailed product descriptions, extensive information on Lemon Myrtle as well as quality customer service and fast shipping.