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esunnies Description

Esunnies offers a huge variety of Designer Sunglasses, covering 30 brands with over 4,000 choices of model and colour combinations. The site offers the new European Summer collections, many months ahead of local retailers and with far more designs and a wider range of colours to choose from. The on-line sunglasses are offered at a reduction on local prices and delivery is free within Australia. As well as offering all the popular brands – Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Ray-Ban and Dior – esunnies offers the “high-tech, athletic” brands, such as Adidas and Rudy Project. All products on the website are sourced from authentic suppliers. The sunglasses come in the original case or pouch and include all the official papers from the manufacturer. To facilitate easy ordering, the website explains to customers how to understand the sizing of sunglasses and choose the size and shape appropriate to their personal face shape.