2% per Transaction
6% per Transaction
4.5% per Transaction
Up to 4.5% per Transaction
9% per Transaction
Is your charity registered for CharityBuy? Are your supporters raising funds for your charity every time they shop online with one of our retail partners?
If not, now is a great time to get on board and start making every purchase count!
There are a number of good reasons for charities to join CharityBuy. Here are just a few:
1) It does not cost the charity anything to be involved.
With most fundraising activities, the organisation has to spend money to raise money. With CharityBuy, it does not cost charities anything to register for or participate in the program.
2) It does not cost supporters anything.
Most fundraising involves asking supporters to dip into their pockets and we all know how difficult it is to meet every request. The great thing about CharityBuy is that it does not cost the shopper one cent extra to support their chosen charity when they shop via CharityBuy. Once they have been to the CharityBuy site, they are redirected to the retail partner’s regular website so they can take advantage of the best deals available. Indeed we sometimes have special offers and coupon codes to promote - so the shopper may even save money. Importantly, shoppers do not have to log in and provide their details when using the program which means we do not collect information on them or their shopping habits, so their privacy is protected.
3) The donations come from retailers as a thank you for choosing to shop with them.
So, you are probably wondering where the money comes from if not from the supporters. Well, it is actually our fantastic retail partners who make the contribution. In return for sending shoppers to their online store, the retailers pay a type of commission which we pass on to the charity. That is why it is so important for the shopper to go to www.charitybuy.com.au before they shop – so the retailer knows we sent them, and we know which charity they want to support.
4) There is a great range of retail partners to choose from.
We currently have about 200 online retailers listed on the site, which means there are literally hundreds of thousands of different products you can purchase that will contribute to charity. With categories of online shops which include fashion, beauty, books, electronics, toys, gifts, homewares, sportswear, travel, and so much more – there really is a huge range of goods and services from well-known retailers on offer.
5) CharityBuy is not a points program - it raises actual cash.
After each purchase, a percentage of the sale value is recorded in the organisation’s CharityBuy account and as this accumulates, it is paid into the bank account nominated by the charity. The great thing about that is that the organisation can spend the funds raised on whatever they need. With so many great causes in need of additional resources, every little bit adds up and can make a difference.
How do I know if my chosen charity is registered or not?
If you are not sure if your favourite charity is registered, just enter the name on the homepage (where it says: “Which charity would you like to support?”) and click ‘Go’. If the charity is not yet registered, it will say so in red underneath.
What should I do if my chosen charity is not yet registered?
If you want to help raise funds for your chosen charity by shopping online via CharityBuy, and the organisation is not yet registered, why not let the charity know? They will find that it is easy to register by going to www.charitybuy.com.au/register, clicking ‘nominate a charity’, and entering a few details.
If your favourite charity is not yet registered but you are ready to shop, you can go ahead and do so knowing the contribution will be set aside and allocated to the charity when they join. Simply go to the CharityBuy website and enter which charity you want to support - before you shop - so we know which organisation to assign it to.
Provide your name and email address, and we'll keep you up to date with all the latest CharityBuy news!
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