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It has been a while since we have posted an update on retail partners who have joined recently, so we thought we would introduce you to some of the wonderful retailers who joined CharityBuy in February. Each one makes a contribution to the charity of your choice when you shop online with them. All you need to do is visit the CharityBuy site before you shop, choose a charity to support and click through from CharityBuy to the retailer’s website (so they know we sent you). Here are just a few of our new partners:

1)       Aquila

We are delighted that Aqulia has partnered with CharityBuy to support Aussie charities. This well-known brand sells quality footwear for men and has built a reputation for stylish, on trend shoes manufactured with traditional construction techniques to ensure they last from season to season. Along with footwear, Aquila now also sells a range of clothing and accessories online. Their fashion offering is designed to complement the footwear range with a real focus on detail and quality craftsmanship. For gentlemen who like to dress to impress, this online store is definitely worth a visit, and as a bonus, Aquila will contribute 5% of the sale value to the not-for-profit organisation of your choice.

2)       Luxola

We already have a few great cosmetics brands listed on the site, and with the addition of Luxola we suspect CharityBuy now has pretty much every major brand covered. Like the StrawberryNet website, Luxola lets you order a range of brands all in one place making it a super convenient way to buy luxury cosmetics. They boast over two hundred leading brands and thousands of individual makeup and skincare products, so you are bound to find what you are looking for – and will perhaps be inspired to try something new. They also pride themselves on great customer service and speedy delivery, and of course, we love them because they donate 5% of what you spend to your chosen charity.

3)       TeleChoice

Are you looking for a new mobile phone plan? Is so, be sure to have a look at what TeleChoice has to offer. Over the past 20 years, TeleChoice has served millions of customers so they are clearly doing something right. We think it has something to do with the fact that they specialise in affordable phone plans with flexible contract options to suit the individual needs of each customer. Whether you use your phone a lot or a little, TeleChoice gives you plenty of choice and flexibility, so you get great value for money. In addition, when you sign up online to a new phone mobile phone plan, TeleChoice will donate $15 to your charity via CharityBuy.

4)       helloworld

We love having travel service providers on the site because they have the potential to generate relatively large contributions for our participating charities. Even just a small percentage of your booking value can mean a large donation to the charity of your choice and given it doesn’t cost you anything more to book via CharityBuy, why wouldn’t you take advantage of this opportunity to support deserving charities next time you travel? The helloworld brand may be new, but this website is actually part of a large, well-established travel company (Stella Travel Services) which has been around for years. In other words, they have plenty of experience in delivering amazing deals on hotels, car hire, holiday packages, cruises and flights for travel both in Australia and internationally. They specialise in providing convenient access to the best value deals available, so you can book online knowing helloworld has done all the hard work in tracking down the bargains.  helloworld will donate 4.5% of the value of hotel bookings, 2.5% of the value of holiday packages and 0.9% of international airfares.

5)       Betta Home Living

We are very excited to have partnered with Betta Home Living as they sell everything you may need for your home in one place, at great prices, and available for delivery. We are talking here about appliances, whitegoods, furniture and more. From small electrical goods (like coffee machines, microwaves and vacuum cleaners) through to the big stuff (like fridges and washing machines) they have a great range of quality, brand name products for the home. They even stock TVs, computers, phones and cameras as well as an extensive range of furniture and bedding. And to top it all off, they will donate 2.5% of whatever you spend to your chosen charity.

Other retailers who have joined CharityBuy since the beginning of this year include: Brando Shoes,, Havaianas, iframes, Macfixit Australia, Miss Holly, Nerida Winter, OzLighting, Shopbop and T.M.Lewin. We are very grateful to have the support of these brands.

To keep up to date with new retail partners added to the site plus special offers and more, please follow us on Twitter or Facebook.

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