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Now is a great time of year to shop online for bargains. Many of our retail partners are having end of financial year or end of season clearance sales which means you can really make big savings on a wide range of items. Plus each one of our retail partners contributes to the charity of your choice when you choose to shop with them via CharityBuy.  Simply by clicking a link on the website, you can help raise funds for your favourite charity, and, as any fundraiser knows, every little bit helps!

If you browse the site, you will see there are over 200 retailers listed but we thought we would use this post to highlight just a few who have just recently joined CharityBuy.  

1) Michael Hill

Everyone knows Michael Hill jewellers but did you know their jewellery is now all available online? All of their collections, like Evermore, Infinitas, Emma and Roe, Everlight, etc. can be browsed on the site and you will find plenty of beautifully designed and crafted rings, bracelets, earrings, pendants, necklaces, charms, watches and more to choose from. Whether for a gift or for yourself, you are sure to find the perfect, timeless piece.  The website features helpful buying guides and they offer an International Lifetime Diamond Warranty to ensure customer satisfaction. Michael Hill specialises in wedding and engagement rings and the website really showcases options for every style and budget. They also have a big sale on right now and will donate 4% of whatever you spend to the charity of your choice.

2) Pink Frosting

Speaking of engagement rings, if you are planning a wedding or know someone who is, the Pink Frosting website is the place to go. In fact, for any kind of party or celebration, their huge, regularly-updated, collection is definitely worth a look. They offer over 17,000 products and many items can be custom-made to suit your theme. Apparently, they have an in-house design and printing studio where they create wedding favours, party banners, invitations, backdrops, labels and more – so you get truly unique party supplies and decorations.  In other words, Pink Frosting should be your first stop when planning to celebrate milestones and special events like weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, engagements, baby showers, christenings and more. Plus your chosen charity benefits from a 6% contribution - which is also worth celebrating.

3) Glasshouse Fragrances

Glasshouse Fragrances is a leading home fragrance brand, known for its beautiful scented candles and fragrance diffusers. With handmade, non-toxic, natural products like ‘Triple Scented Candles’, room fragrances and ‘Bath and Body’ products, the Glasshouse Fragrances website is the place to go for gorgeous gifts or simply to spoil yourself.  Their instantly recognisable glass candles each embody a distinctive concept with a fragrance designed to take you to another place.  The candles and fragrance diffusers are sure to add a special touch to your home, and you can shop guilt-free, knowing each purchase helps raise funds for charity.

4) Sticky9

Do you have a phone or Instagram account full of great photos that you would love to print and keep as permanent memories? Sticky9 is a personalised printing service that will take your Instagram or digital photos and help you turn them into fun photo gifts such as photo-magnets, reusable stickers, posters, calendars, cards phone cases, tablet covers and more. With high quality printing and great designs, Sticky9 really helps you show off your best pics.  And, as a CharityBuy retail partner, Sticky9 will contribute 6% of what you spend to the organisation of your choice.

5) 99 Bikes

Finally, 99 Bikes sells – you guessed it – bikes.  They stock a wide range of road bikes, mountain bikes, cruisers, kids bikes, and more, with the site aimed at both casual and serious cyclists. As you might expect, their product range goes even further to include spare parts and accessories like helmets, gear, clothing and even nutrition – from all the big brands and all at great prices. If you are not a cyclist, but you know someone who loves to ride, please let them know that if they visit CharityBuy before shopping online at 99 Bikes, then 3% of their order value will go to their chosen charity. Plus right now they have a massive stocktake sale on with some amazing deals on offer.

Thanks for stopping by. We hope you find some great bargains during this sale season. Please don’t forget that you can make every purchase count and help fantastic charities simply by visiting Charity Buy before you shop. It won’t cost you a cent extra and you can shop knowing you really are helping others.

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