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It is a diverse group of online retailers we welcome to CharityBuy this month, and that is the way we like it because it means there is something for everyone.  We are very lucky to be able to offer a range of different stores so everyone can take advantage of the opportunity to raise funds for charity when they shop online.  Each participating retailer contributes a percentage of sales and while the amount may vary, every little bit counts and it all adds up.

Here are just a few of the stores that reward you with a contribution to your charity when you shop with them via CharityBuy.


1)       The Body Shop

A great brand that we are delighted to have on the site is The Body Shop. Apart from producing fabulous beauty products, this company has always been a great supporter of causes like human rights, environmental protection and more. Over many years, they have demonstrated their commitment to sustainability and ethical business practices. They have grown to be an internationally recognised brand but still retain the core values that ensure their products are eco-conscious and inspired by nature.  Their website offers all the old favourites plus great new beauty products, and they contribute 4.5% of whatever you spend to your chosen charity (which is just another way The Body Shop gives back).


2)       Sheridan

Most Aussie families would have a Sheridan product somewhere in their home given the company has been producing beautiful bedding, towels, table linen and other items for a long time. Their premium quality homewares are now available online, and they even offer personalised gifts. Plus they contribute 5% of the sales value to charity via CharityBuy. Also joining the site recently is Canningvale which also specialises in a range of goods for the bathroom and bedroom. Their on-trend products are affordable and high quality with great warranties. They offer towels, luxury bedding, pillows, blankets, bathroom accessories and more, plus a contribution of 6%.


3)       Hurley

The surf stores we already have listed on CharityBuy are popular so we are very pleased to be joined by Hurley, one of the best-known, most innovative surf brands. On their website you will find a huge range of boardshorts and swimwear plus clothing, hats, bags, rashies, wetsuits and more. They cater for men, women and kids, and will donate 5% of what you spend to your chosen not-for-profit organisation. With Summer almost here, now is the time to purchase some new gear for the beach. Apart from looking great you will also feel great knowing your shopping helps a good cause.


4)       Crossroads

If you are a fan of Crossroads, you will be pleased to know that their affordable fashion is now available online and they have partnered with us to support amazing charities. Specialising in sizes 8 to 22, Crossroads offers a great collection of everyday basics plus fashion pieces, shoes, bags, accessories and more – all at great prices. They are joined on the site by leading plus size fashion retailer, City Chic whose styles are fun, bold and sexy. They stock a range of options for sizes 14 to 24, and also offer good value for money. Both retailers contribute 3%.


5)       Totally Workwear

We now also have Totally Workwear listed on the site, so you can shop online for workwear and generate a 6% contribution for your chosen charity.  They stock all the major workwear brands like KingGee, Steel Blue, Blundstone, Hard Yakka, Oliver, Stubbies, Wolverine, Huski, Biz Collection, etc. Totally Workwear also offers a wide range of safety products and corporate branded items like uniforms so it really is a one-stop-shop for work clothing, footwear and accessories.

Apart from these retailers, there are another couple hundred to choose from on the website, so you’re bound to find what you’re looking for. It doesn’t cost anything more to shop via CharityBuy and it only takes a couple of extra clicks to visit the site to let us know which organisation you want to support, so why not contribute to a deserving charity next time you shop online?

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