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You may have noticed that some new retail partners have been added to the CharityBuy website recently. There are plenty of new ones but we have chosen to highlight just a few to demonstrate the range of fantastic retail partners who are willing to support Aussie charities.

As a reminder, these online stores – and all the retail partners you find on CharityBuy - contribute a percentage of whatever you spend with them to the organisation of your choice. All you have to do is remember to visit CharityBuy before you shop and nominate the charity you would like to have benefit from your purchase.  It really is as simple as that.

1)       Katies  and Millers

These well-known brands have been around forever but did you know that the great value clothing you have come to expect from both Katies and Millers, can now be found online? Plus there are plenty of online sales on these sites which make their clothes even more affordable. With plenty of options for a variety of figures and lifestyles, Katies provides women with the latest in wearable fashion at great prices. Similarly, Millers offers a huge range of women’s clothing and accessories at prices that won’t break the bank. Best of all, both Katies and Millers contribute 3% of whatever you spend to CharityBuy charities.

2)       CrackaWines

When opened their online store, it was with the aim of offering the biggest range, the most information and the greatest value to customers in the online wine market. They have grown rapidly and now offer over 4,500 different wines from more than 1,000 wineries (representing most major wine regions around the world). Whilst catering for all tastes and budgets, their site also boasts over 185,000 product reviews from a team of wine experts, so if you are looking for an amazing deal or need advice on what to try, Crackawines can help. Plus, they will donate 5% of whatever you spend to the charity of your choice.

3)       Hallmark Cards

Instead of the standard old greeting card you find in any newsagent or card shop, Hallmark Cards lets you create personalised cards for any occasion. They have a huge range of designs to choose from so you will be able to find the perfect one without spending hours in store looking for a beautiful card only to find the message is not quite right. As well as the quality greeting cards which they are so well known for, the Hallmark website also sells wrapping paper and gifts – and they contribute 6% to your chosen charity.

4)       Microsoft

It is estimated that over 17 million Australians have used Microsoft software either at work or home, so we don’t think this brand needs any introduction, and we are really pleased to have Microsoft as a retail partner on CharityBuy. As well as all the software you need for your PC, the Microsoft online store is also the place to buy hardware like Xbox and Surface tablets. Whether it is to communicate, work, learn or play, Microsoft has it all, and every purchase you make helps raise funds for very worthy charities.

5)       Wallabuy

An online store you may not have heard of before, but one that is definitely worth a look, is Wallabuy. Essentially they bring together the latest homewares from both Australian and international designers, so you will find something unique for each room of the house.  If you are looking for inspiration for a new place or wanting something a bit different for your home, have a look at what this site has to offer. What we like about this store – apart from the great prices – is that it is like a collection of shops brought together in the one place to offer the very best from a whole bunch of designers. Obviously we also like that they contribute a massive 10% of whatever you spend via CharityBuy.

Many thanks for checking out our site and for supporting the wonderful organisations we have listed on CharityBuy. If you have any suggestions or questions about CharityBuy at all, please don’t hesitate to get in contact either by email or via social media or by leaving a comment below. We would love to hear from you.

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