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We thought we’d take a look at some of the new offers recently added to CharityBuy. Here are the Top 5 for April.


1)       StrawberryNet

We’re delighted to be able to add StrawberryNet to the list of retailers supporting charities because we know they are a big favourite with so many. If you haven’t shopped on StrawberryNet before, do yourself a favour and head straight there now. They have a fantastic range of cosmetics, skincare, hair care products and fragrances and you don’t pay for delivery, so it’s excellent value!

2)       Big W

Whilst new to CharityBuy, Big W is certainly not new to anyone who knows how to bag a bargain. If it’s toys, books, DVDs, sports equipment, homewares, baby products or electronics you’re looking for, you’ll find their website now has the same great deals you’d expect to find instore. And the best part is, 3% from each transaction is donated to the charity of your choice.

3)       Delivery Hero

Need a bit of help with dinner? This site is great because it lets you enter your suburb, choose from all the local places that deliver, order from their menu and then just sit back and wait for it to turn up at the front door. They offer easy payment options, so it really takes any hassle out of ordering take-away. If you prefer, CharityBuy has also partnered with Menulog, which offers a similar service. Whichever one you choose, be sure to always visit our site first to ensure that a percentage of your order value is donated to the charity of your choice.

4)       Cover-More Travel Insurance

If you’re planning a trip and you need travel insurance, these guys have been around a long time and have plenty of experience. They offer 24 hour emergency assistance and their customer service team is available 7 days a week, online and over the phone to assist with providing cover at affordable rates. Plus, when you take out travel insurance with Cover-More, 7% of what you spend is donated to your favourite charity.

5)       Hold Me Tight and Nancy Ganz Shapewear

These two sites offer shapewear garments to provide that little bit of extra confidence, whether for a special occasion or just every day wear. Designed in Australia, the range incorporates the latest innovations in fabrics and manufacturing techniques, so you can embrace those curves and look and feel fantastic. Plus if you purchase from either of these sites, 6% of what you spend is donated to the charity of your choice.


As you can see from these examples of recently added offers, the CharityBuy site really does have something for everyone, so it’s worth always checking the site before you shop online. Every time you click the link from CharityBuy to the one of our retail partners and purchase from their site, a donation is made, and even if the percentage is small, the amounts can really add up over time.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page and Twitter feed to hear about new offers as they are added to the site.

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