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As always, we continue to add new offers to the CharityBuy site and every month we put together a short list of some of our favourites. Here are the Top 5 new offers on CharityBuy this month.

1)       Clarks

We’re especially excited to welcome iconic footwear retailer, Clarks to the site. If you’ve got kids, you probably already know that Clarks is the place to go for school shoes. But did you know they have an online store with free standard delivery and free returns? Plus, their online store is not just for kids’ shoes – they stock a wide range of flats, heels, and boots for women, plus great quality men’s shoes. The site offers some handy features like a foot measuring gauge to make sure you get the correct size, and tips on the best materials for foot health and comfort. So, if you find shoe shopping with the kids a bit painful and you know they’ll need a new pair soon, this site is definitely worth a visit. You could find something for yourself at the same time, and why not?

2)       Volley

Now we’ve got the school shoes covered, how about a new pair of Volleys? That’s right, another iconic footwear retailer joining CharityBuy this month is old favourite, Volley. Their classic canvas shoes are just part of a range which now includes street shoes, leather shoes and tennis shoes for both men and women. And they’re all available online! Volley also stock super-cute and colourful kids’ shoes including the ‘My First Volley’ range. As comfy as ever, with great prices and free standard shipping, you can’t go wrong. Plus Volley donate a generous 7% of the purchase value to the charity of your choice.

3)       Mossimo

Joining the online clothing stores on CharityBuy is Mossimo. This internationally recognised brand still sells the great surfwear, streetwear and casual clothing which has made it so popular. Shirts, hoodies, jackets or tees – whatever you’re after, it’s worth checking out their site. And the best part is, they contribute 7% of whatever you spend to the charity of your choice.

4)       Bendon

Also new this month, is Bendon Lingerie whose online store is home to all your favourite brands like Bendon (of course), Elle Macpherson Intimates, Lovable, Pleasure State, Stella McCartney Lingerie and more. They also stock men’s underwear from brands like Davenport, Macpherson Men and Bendon Man, so for a huge range of underwear and lingerie plus helpful information on fitting and garment care, visit the Bendon site today. And remember that whatever you buy, Bendon will donate 9% of the purchase price to your chosen charity.

5)       GraysOutlet

Many shoppers will be aware of GraysOnline, the auction site, but do you know about their latest initiative, GraysOutlet? This multi-category online discount retailer sells thousands of products at bargain prices. They claim that shoppers can save up to 80% on well-known brands in categories like fashion, shoes, jewellery, beauty, sporting goods, luggage, homewares and electronics. The list of participating brands is impressive with names like Calvin Klein, Hugo Boss, Jag, Espirit, Armani, Herringbone, Sheridan, Scanpan, Sunbeam, Adidas, Fila, Lonsdale, Panasonic and many more. If you’re looking for a treasure trove of incredible deals, this must surely be it.


There is something for everyone at CharityBuy so even if none of these retailers grabs your interest, you’re sure to find what you’re looking for on the site because we have over 300 stores and millions of products on offer. It doesn’t cost anything extra to shop with CharityBuy but to ensure the retailer knows which charity you want to donate to, you must visit CharityBuy first and click the link you find just below the shop’s logo. It really is as simple as that and you can shop up a storm knowing each purchase contributes to your chosen charity.

Thanks for supporting CharityBuy and thanks for supporting great Aussie charities.

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