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Neat Feat

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Neat Feat is one of the great partner stores on CharityBuy. This means that every time you shop online with Neat Feat, you can fundraise for your charity at the same time!

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Neat Feat Description

Neat Feat sells a range of innovative foot and body care products. The company created a convenient and effective solution for foot odour with the development of the world’s first roll-on antiperspirant deodorant for feet, named Neat Feat. Now, with an emphasis on providing comfort and confidence for an active, sporty lifestyle, their range has expanded to include hand, foot, body and facial antiperspirants as well as anti-chafe and dry skin solutions. They stock everything you need for foot problems, such as: heel balms, gel inserts, orthotics, insoles, support sandals, shoe deodorisers, antibacterials, and more. Plus, they have a selection of all-natural products including the Willow Wart and Skin Tag remover gel.