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Father’s Day is now just over a week away and if you are planning to shop online, now would be a great time to get your order in to ensure your gift arrives on time. Not sure where to start? Here are a few ideas from some of the wonderful retailers who have partnered with CharityBuy. Each one of these online stores contributes a percentage of what you spend to Aussie charities. We are pretty sure that most dads would love the idea that your gift to him on Father’s Day also helps raise funds for charity. You could even nominate his favourite charity to benefit from your purchase.

1)       Books

If your Dad loves a good book, you should have a look at what Booktopia, Bookworld and Angus and Robertson have to offer. All three have online gift guides specifically for Father’s Day, with some great ideas if you are not too sure what to buy.   

2)       Clothing

There are plenty of men’s fashion retailers to choose from on the CharityBuy site. For socks, jocks or sleepwear, your best bet is Bonds or Bendon. For business attire, try Van Heusen and for a wide range of affordable shirts, have a look at Tarocash or yd. For casual gear and sportswear, there is, of course Rebel, Quiksilver and more.

3)       Grooming

Fresh Fragrances has a special Father’s Day collection with gifts such as designer cologne, luxury shaving kits, and skin care products. Priceline and StrawberryNet also sell fantastic men’s fragrances and personal grooming products that he might not otherwise treat himself to.

4)       Delivered Gifts

You might not automatically think to head to an online florist website but many of them do offer a range of gifts for men. For example, Interflora has gift baskets and you can add balloons or chocolates from as little as $15. The Flower Factory also has hampers (with foreign beers and other treats) which are a great idea if your Dad lives far away and you want to let him know that you are thinking of him.

5)       Experiences

RedBalloon and FreemanX have some really exciting and memorable experiences. As a special offer RedBalloon now has discounts on some of their activities (such as sailing, skydiving, jetboat rides and rally drives) and classes like cooking and photography. These vouchers can be delivered online so they are great if you have left it a little late to find the perfect gift. 

Finally, if your Dad always appreciates a beautiful card, then make this one extra special by creating a custom design and message at Hallmark Cards.

And have a Happy Father’s Day on the 7th.

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