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If you were wondering why you haven’t heard much from CharityBuy recently it’s because we have been on a bit of a break but we’re back and ready to help raise funds for charities in 2013. A few things have changed - the site has new owners and there are some new retail partners on board but the idea is still the same.

CharityBuy let’s you raise money for your chosen charity by shopping online with one of our retail partners. Simply log on to CharityBuy, nominate a charity and browse the list of retail partners. When you shop at any of their online stores, a percentage of your purchase goes to the charity of your choice. And best of all, it doesn’t cost you anything more to shop with CharityBuy so just by visiting CharityBuy before you shop, you can raise valuable funds for your favourite charity.

We have recently added some great names like Bonds, Kogan, The Iconic, Weight Watchers, Diva, Adairs, Ecoya, Bobbi Brown, Estee Lauder, Edible Blooms, Hotelclub and more. Plus our association with Westfield Online has allowed us to include high end names like Alex Perry, Laura Ashley, Georg Jensen, Guess, Ksubi, Lisa Ho, Bose, Midas Jewellers, as well as old favourites like Lowes and the Shaver Shop. We will continue to add new offers as these become available so it’s worth checking the site from time to time to see what’s new. You can also keep up to date with new offers by following us on Twitter or by subscribing to our newsletter if you haven’t done so already.

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