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We recently added three adventure travel specialists to the CharityBuy site, so we thought we would focus on the new retail partners in that category this month.

1)      Adventure Tour Operators

CharityBuy is really pleased to have Intrepid Travel as one of our new retail partners. Intrepid offers a huge variety of tours taking travellers off the beaten track to explore the most amazing places in the world. Apparently they run tours for over 100,000 travellers every year so they have plenty of experience organising unforgettable trips in Asia, Africa, Latin America, Europe and Australasia which allow travellers to get a true sense of the local culture. Peregrine, similarly has plenty of experience – they operate tours in over 95 countries – and with three and four star accommodation, you won’t have to rough it. Geckos Adventures on the other hand, is aimed at 18-39 years olds with an open mind and a sense of adventure, who are willing to step outside their comfort zone. Their tours take travellers across Latin America, Asia, India, Africa, Europe and Middle East. Trips like these are popular with school-leavers and young people taking a gap year, so if you know of anyone who is planning to go travelling, please let them know that if they book with one of these operators via CharityBuy, 4.5% of the booking value will go to the organisation of their choice.

2)      Gear

Another new retail partner we have recently added to the CharityBuy website is Every Mountain. They have all the latest gear - clothing, footwear and equipment – from all the best brands. If you are heading off on an adventure tour, check out their range of hiking boots, backpacks and accessories. They also have apparel to keep your comfortable whatever the weather, and if you are into digital devices and wearables (like GPS monitors) you will find those too. And you will be pleased to know that they will donate 5% of what you spend to your chosen charity. Another new CharityBuy retail partner you may want to visit is Superdry - which is great for outerwear and jackets, and any clothing really.  Also, well-known eye-wear brand Oakley is also now on the site. Along with their high quality sunglasses, they also offer clothing, footwear and other accessories (plus they donate 4.5% of whatever you spend).

3)       Travel insurance

Of course, if you are travelling somewhere exotic, you may like to organise some travel insurance. Woolworths Insurance has recently entered into the insurance business and they now offer competitive travel insurance (as well as car, home, pet and life insurance policies). Woolworths Insurance provides flexible policies, easy claims and affordable premiums - and when you take out a policy they will contribute $15 to the charity of your choice. Other travel insurance providers available on the CharityBuy site include Insure and Go (5% contribution to the not-for-profit) and Cover-More Insurance (7% contribution).

Finally, don’t forget that with CharityBuy you still get the best prices available on the website of each retail partner so you can get a bargain while supporting a good cause. It does not cost you anything extra but you do need to visit the CharityBuy website and nominate a charity before you shop for it to work.

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