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Tilkah is not currently actively affiliated with CharityBuy. This page is retained to prevent breaking links to it. You may click links and try to go shopping from this page, but you may not be redirected to the online store and you should not expect a donation to your charity.

Tilkah is one of the great partner stores on CharityBuy. This means that every time you shop online with Tilkah, you can fundraise for your charity at the same time!

  • With every purchase, 2.5% will be contributed to your charity
  • You get the best pricing and deals Tilkah is offering on their website
  • Together we can make a big difference!

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Tilkah Description

Tilkah is a lust worthy accessory brand that encapsulates all things feminine. Tilkah’s antique jewel boxes provide a beautiful backdrop for a playful, interactive environment where women can feel like girls again. From sparkling shimmering jewels & chunky semi precious necklaces to buttery soft leather bags, wallets & clutches, Tilkah’s premium range of accessories will be sure to be the envy of those around you.

From very humble beginnings with a vision of unique, stylish & beautiful accessories, Tilkah has grown into a successful business and is now starting to etch itself into Australia’s very fashionable landscape.

From shimmering jewels to buttery soft leather clutches, bags & wallets you can shop Tilkah at Westfield online.